Friday, 19 June 2009

JUNE 19TH - 18.30

so last night ryan picked me up and we drove to lincoln, listening to prince all the way. stopped off at tescos - ryan's money still hadn't gone into his account, annoyance all round.

went back home, collette has come back from scotland/hull, so it was nice to see her. also - a first....all five members of portland st in the same room at once!! looked at novelty hat knitting patterns with amy and collette, went to the horse and groom with ryan to meet vic and her scouse lover....then went to mcdonalds on the way home - i ate two dinners last night!! such a man...

ended up watching never mind the buzzcocks (the patrick wolf episode where he purposefully says nothing), and having my character deconstructed by collette - she's so normal...

quote of the evening - 'but who in the world would say ''you know what, i really fancy going to see stereophonics'' '

watched t in the park, well - fast forwarded our way through it - such an awful line up, it was as if they had opened the nme and picked at random. rem played though, so that was somewhat of a saving grace.

woke up this morning at 11AM - SLEPT IN AGAIN! quickly got dressed and went into town to pick up my hoodie and the dvd of the show on tuesday. came home and went straight to grantham for my dentist appointment - thankfully my racist welsh dentist didn't offend me this time, so it was a worthwhile visit (my teeth are fine too)!

then went with my mother to my grandma and her friend's houses to water their plants...had another mcdonalds (i need to start eating properly again).

i'm just cutting up the dvd so i can upload it onto youtube...the prince set won't make it up, obviously, but the bowie set will. i suppose it would be courteous to upload the whole show...i will do at somepoint....

so here i am with the fantastic david bowie band, covering a fantastic song - heroes

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